This is my English dialogue together hartono favor of Online Information Debate.
Jumat, 30 Desember 2016
English dialogue about Online Information Debate.
This is my English dialogue together hartono favor of Online Information Debate.
Rabu, 14 Desember 2016
Bengkayang (pantura)
Saya adalah orang yang berasal dari Bengkayang, dan itu hanya ktp saja, karena saya bukan tinggal di Bengkayang langsung. Tapi tinggal di ujung perbatasan antara kabupaten bengkayang dan mempawah tepatnya di desa sungai duri. Jika kalian pernah pergi ke singkawang atau sambas, maka kalian akan melewati pasar sungai duri yang berciri khas ada patung orang membawa sekop. Kalian tau tidak istilah dari pantura. Kalau yang sudah tau alhamdulillah, yang belum tau, ayo di simak. Pantura adalah pantai utara, jika kalian ke singkawang, dari pontianak kalian akan melewati satu jalur jalan yang di sebelah kanannya adalah pesisir pantai. Itu lah kenapa di sebut pantura. Jadi di sini saya akan menceritakan keindahan yang terdapat di daerah yang masih termasuk pantura. Karena di pantura ini adalah pesisir pantai, maka di sepanjang jalan kalian akan banya menemukan orang berjualan hasil dari laut, mulai dari ikan asin yang kecil kecil hingga yang sangat besar, pokonya semua aneka ragam olahan yg berasal dari laut semua di jual. Dan harga yang di tawarkan pun sangat bersahabat, kalian harus mencoba hasil olahan itu, di pastikan tidak kecewa.
Selain itu masih ada satu hal yang menarik dari pantura ini, selain jalannya bagus, dan juga cuman satu arah yang gak bakalan bikin kalian nyasar. Pantura ini juga banyak di jadikan tempat wisata. Banyak sekali tempat wisata di sepanjang jalan pantura, seperti pasir panjang, kebun hewan, mimilad, kura kura beach, dan masih banyak lagi tempat wisata di pantura. Kalian wajib pergi ke salah satu tempat wisata itu karena memang sangat menarik. Karena ini mendekati tahun baru pasti sangat ramai pengunjungnya, apalagi pas malam tahun barunya, huaah sangat ramai sekali, sampai jalan jalan itu macet. Tapi bagi kalian yang ingin piknik bersama keluarga pergi pada saat hari libur atau kosong, itu sangat cocok sekali. Apalagi yang mempunyai anak yng masih kecil. Karena tempat wisata itu mempunyai wahana bermain anak anak yang cukup aman. Bagi yang suka dengan binatang bisa pergi ke kebun binatang, kalian tidak perlu berjalan kaki untuk menjelajahi kebun binatangnya karena di sana di sediakan angkutan.
Masih banyak yang ingin saya ceritakan teman teman, tapi mungkin di lain waktu saja yaaa.
Saya adalah orang yang berasal dari Bengkayang, dan itu hanya ktp saja, karena saya bukan tinggal di Bengkayang langsung. Tapi tinggal di ujung perbatasan antara kabupaten bengkayang dan mempawah tepatnya di desa sungai duri. Jika kalian pernah pergi ke singkawang atau sambas, maka kalian akan melewati pasar sungai duri yang berciri khas ada patung orang membawa sekop. Kalian tau tidak istilah dari pantura. Kalau yang sudah tau alhamdulillah, yang belum tau, ayo di simak. Pantura adalah pantai utara, jika kalian ke singkawang, dari pontianak kalian akan melewati satu jalur jalan yang di sebelah kanannya adalah pesisir pantai. Itu lah kenapa di sebut pantura. Jadi di sini saya akan menceritakan keindahan yang terdapat di daerah yang masih termasuk pantura. Karena di pantura ini adalah pesisir pantai, maka di sepanjang jalan kalian akan banya menemukan orang berjualan hasil dari laut, mulai dari ikan asin yang kecil kecil hingga yang sangat besar, pokonya semua aneka ragam olahan yg berasal dari laut semua di jual. Dan harga yang di tawarkan pun sangat bersahabat, kalian harus mencoba hasil olahan itu, di pastikan tidak kecewa.
Selain itu masih ada satu hal yang menarik dari pantura ini, selain jalannya bagus, dan juga cuman satu arah yang gak bakalan bikin kalian nyasar. Pantura ini juga banyak di jadikan tempat wisata. Banyak sekali tempat wisata di sepanjang jalan pantura, seperti pasir panjang, kebun hewan, mimilad, kura kura beach, dan masih banyak lagi tempat wisata di pantura. Kalian wajib pergi ke salah satu tempat wisata itu karena memang sangat menarik. Karena ini mendekati tahun baru pasti sangat ramai pengunjungnya, apalagi pas malam tahun barunya, huaah sangat ramai sekali, sampai jalan jalan itu macet. Tapi bagi kalian yang ingin piknik bersama keluarga pergi pada saat hari libur atau kosong, itu sangat cocok sekali. Apalagi yang mempunyai anak yng masih kecil. Karena tempat wisata itu mempunyai wahana bermain anak anak yang cukup aman. Bagi yang suka dengan binatang bisa pergi ke kebun binatang, kalian tidak perlu berjalan kaki untuk menjelajahi kebun binatangnya karena di sana di sediakan angkutan.
Masih banyak yang ingin saya ceritakan teman teman, tapi mungkin di lain waktu saja yaaa.
Last meal on earth.
If I am in order to choose a last meal that you want to eat in the open earth very much. Because many foods that I had never tried. I am confused to choose which one because so many eat,. I was the one who really like to eat, but do not like to cook, I prefer dining out with friends or eating fast food. Actually it is less good or less good indeed. But whatever the power myself only a boarding house. The last meal I wanted was my mother want to eat that at home. I'm afraid I do not want the slightest skip the food my mother cooked. Especially spicy sour fish dishes. You do not know what it's cooking? Spicy and sour fish rarely loh ade at a great restaurant. If there is any difference with the taste of mother's cooking. What is certain lebihh mother's cooking savory and more tasteful. Sour and spicy flavors really fit on the tongue. Moreover, at the ripe fish Pergamum from the teaser itself. Huuu more savory. You should try it. If you already mothers cook, the food going to taste better again if in the same meal with the family. Mutual fight the usual things while eating. Huh was reminded of this story at home, want to return home.Hopefully things that are in want they can do together later. amen
Letter to Past and My future.
When I think of 3 or 6 years ago, I taste do not want to remember anymore, even I want to erase from memory my memory. Many stories, stories, events that are not supposed to remember. Hard good is always flowing in the body at that time. This article is made just to remember a little bit, so that could be a lesson in the future.For
my past, I'm sorry for everything I have done, the association can not
be avoided, they are always calling, brain washing is always the wrong
path. Always against what the old man said, a night out, hanging out incoherently and many other stories. If only I had thought long, I want to be a good boy, warms the heart of parents, obey all of what was said. If only the time can be repeated, I really want to improve myself, studying a lot on the bench during smp to be easier for me. But that's just wishful. I am still grateful, because my mind opened by Allah swt to get an education beyond my village. If it is still in the move from the village, who knows what will happen, I will also know.For my future, always apply the lessons of life that has been given by the teacher, to convey to others. That someday your life safely and Hereafter. I
want to achieve many accomplishments, graduation is fast, can let a
good job, happy parents, reply to all services, although not
shortchanged all they give. Married to the right people, have their own home, a happy little family together.That is my dream, may allah streamlining my business, my good ease every step. Amen.
Selasa, 29 November 2016
My Favorite Song For Karaoke
I really like to sing or hobbies, but my voice is not that great for the hearing, and I lack confidence when singing in front of people. But I really like karaoke. If ade free time and more money, I often relieve stress or fatigue during college by going to a karaoke with friends of friends. Because every time to go have fun like it was all a matter of brain or all of the contents were lost instantly, with no load at all. We sing together, laugh out loud, and usually sway. Hehehehehe.
The songs are very pleased I sing that song Fatin newest "it wrong I love you" why I love this song, because the song is telling the story of my romance. Udaah ga worry too much about romance, I am ashamed. But if you want to know just listen to the song first, certainly understand what he meant. If you want to know more just call my story. And maybe no one wants the story please.
Actually there are many favorite songs I like to sing, essentially songs are good to hear. Mainly western songs, such as songs adele, cristina Perri, john legend hoo and much more. Although I do not know what it means what is important engrossed in hearing, and comfortable.
I also love dangdut song I often hear it if you want to sleep, but I could not menyakikannya. If I sing the song of dangdut, the sense would be lost my voice, because I can not jengkok. Because like dangdut songs, I often watch the show academy in INDOSIAR.
Maybe it was just my short story about a favorite song. Wait for the next story ya friends
The songs are very pleased I sing that song Fatin newest "it wrong I love you" why I love this song, because the song is telling the story of my romance. Udaah ga worry too much about romance, I am ashamed. But if you want to know just listen to the song first, certainly understand what he meant. If you want to know more just call my story. And maybe no one wants the story please.
Actually there are many favorite songs I like to sing, essentially songs are good to hear. Mainly western songs, such as songs adele, cristina Perri, john legend hoo and much more. Although I do not know what it means what is important engrossed in hearing, and comfortable.
I also love dangdut song I often hear it if you want to sleep, but I could not menyakikannya. If I sing the song of dangdut, the sense would be lost my voice, because I can not jengkok. Because like dangdut songs, I often watch the show academy in INDOSIAR.
Maybe it was just my short story about a favorite song. Wait for the next story ya friends
My Favorite Place
Favorite places I've been to quite a lot, but there is one that surely will not be forgotten that Poteng mountain climbing, in addition to being a favorite place, climbed Mount Poteng as well as my first experience of mountain climbing. Many stories in it, from start to plan, until it comes on top. Early on whom I do not want to, because I am afraid and many other reasons, because it has been urged friends finally willing also to Mount Poteng.
early start to rise, just reached the foot of the mountain there are many homes or headquarters leftover remnants of the Netherlands, there is also a water tank enormous made by the Dutch. Anyway, the situation at the foot of the mountain is almost the same in the picture at the mr. Hammer bit austere. But because so crowded, fear passable reduced. Hehehe.
During the trip to the summit with a steep slippery road and a lot of obstacles or anything that we encountered. In the woods it was still very real, many trees were big, bulky, and we see a chameleon perched on one of the trees. And by the time we stopped at a tree to rest. friends took off his shoes to eliminate fatigue, and time in open lots of leeches leeches stuck to their feet. Linta was already very fat because many blood sucking friends. Fortunately my long socks, so no leeches. I was quite horrified to be tough leech the leech, bite marks quite large, so the blood flows without stopping. Continue the journey up the mountain to our past and up the terrain is very difficult, steep and narrow. I nearly knocked myself to let this if I fall down the cliff, because it is very steep. Although hard but keep the spirit to get over. Finally, with fairly heavy struggle within 3 hours to get to the top of the peak has been reached with a very beautiful view from the summit, it all looks beautiful from above, like a sprinkling of broccoli trees are abundant, we were above the clouds.
A few of my blog this article may be useful.

During the trip to the summit with a steep slippery road and a lot of obstacles or anything that we encountered. In the woods it was still very real, many trees were big, bulky, and we see a chameleon perched on one of the trees. And by the time we stopped at a tree to rest. friends took off his shoes to eliminate fatigue, and time in open lots of leeches leeches stuck to their feet. Linta was already very fat because many blood sucking friends. Fortunately my long socks, so no leeches. I was quite horrified to be tough leech the leech, bite marks quite large, so the blood flows without stopping. Continue the journey up the mountain to our past and up the terrain is very difficult, steep and narrow. I nearly knocked myself to let this if I fall down the cliff, because it is very steep. Although hard but keep the spirit to get over. Finally, with fairly heavy struggle within 3 hours to get to the top of the peak has been reached with a very beautiful view from the summit, it all looks beautiful from above, like a sprinkling of broccoli trees are abundant, we were above the clouds.
A few of my blog this article may be useful.
Selasa, 01 November 2016
Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English
Hay, now we meet again in this blog post. Unlike the usual Merisi writing short stories, but this time I will write the English language material that I can from an early miss. What I earn, notes or anything I will write all here. The main material that will I write is about "Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English"
Here Merisi about match the same words. Immediately, yaa ...
Exercises 1. Verbs
write the letter associated with the corresponding synonyms next to each word.
1. ___Obliterate
___Severed (memotong/menghentikan)
___Conceive (menciptakan)
___Tolerate (sabar/menoleransi)
___Ingest (mencernakan/menelan)
___Pacify (menenangkan)
___Calibrate (menyesuaikan)
___Magnify (memperbesar)
___Incentivize (dorongan)
10. ___Speculate (memikirkan/berteori)
11. ___Levitate (mengapung)
12. ___Illustrate (menghiasi)
13. ___Elucidate (menguraikan)
14. ___Impede (menghalangi)
15. ___Advocate (penyokong)
A. Adjust
D. Calm (down)
G. Support
H. Float
K. Consume
M. Create
N. Theorize
O. exemplify
2. Adverbs
Instructions: Write the letter associated with
the corresponding synonym next to each word.
1.___Methodically (sesuai metode)
___Begrudgingly (menyesalkan)
___Amicably (secara damai)
___Fiercely (dengan ganas)
___Unintelligibly (tak dapat di pahami)
___Sporadically (dengan sporatis/jarang)
___Unequivocally (dengan tegas)
___Zealously (dengan rajin)
___Laboriously (dengan kerja keras)
10.___Earnestly (dengan jelas)
11. ___Indisputably (tak dapat di sangka)
12. ___Definitively (pasti)
13. ___Faintly (dengan lemah)
14. ___Discreetly (dengan hati hati)
SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016
Smartphone Apps that my love
Hay morning the friends
meet again with me at my new blog posts. This time I'll tell you about a
smartphone application that is most preferred. Apps on smartphones very much
and there are some applications are very pleased I use, such as fuel, LINE,
Instagram. Most apps I use are the fuel for this application is very easy and
almost everyone using the application. I really feel the positive in using the
application, because the information comes very easily without the cost of
expensive. As information on the class, what is happening in the classroom, any
assignment that is given by the lecturer, this application is very helpful and
ease my task. And also serves as a reminder if I forget. My friends like to
contact me via BBM, let me know that tomorrow there is a task or something.
Than through sms, bbm easier, cheaper.
It is an application to
communicate with ease, while applications that do not make bored is Instagram.
I really like the open instagram when I'm bored, or fed when in class or more
are no jobs. I love to see people who present photo photo lah term. With a variety
of facial expressions of people in instagram very eliminating bored, especially
if hard to see vidio hilarious, ridiculous. Or look to the text Meme humorous
or inspirational writings that can build life when I'm upset.
Actually there are many applications that I like but
maybe that's all that can be told, if the entire story extension, later friends
get bored. Ha ha ha.
well maybe that's all I can tell you this time
hopefully this article will inspire friends to write blog. Make friends smart
phone application what you like the best. I wait for the story.
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016
The film is best Explain My Life
Peace be upon you, and
Allah mercy and blessings.
Good day friends blog, now
we meet again on my article for the third time. What I will tell you this is a
film that tells or describes my life. Actually I was confused what the movie
depicts my life, because it has been so long I do not watch tv or movies. I
just forgot what the last movie. Early on in the state university graduation in
Tanjongpura I already busy until rarely or never take the time to relax.
The film is quite describe
my life is a movie "Angel Without Wings" even though not all the
stories in the film that depicts the life of me, there was some part of the
same story with the story of my life. That someone sacrifice great father, that
without us knowing very much. Often we assume that the father was busy, no time
for us, often angry angry, harsh to us, lack of attention to us. But it was
only just negative thoughts that often comes to mind. That is actually the
father had a huge affection for us, affectionate father it is not visible in
front of us. As in the film that taught us a father willing to sacrifice
anything for the sake of our happiness, even lives at stake. That's why it is
called an angel without wings, we never know what is done for the good angel of
our happiness.
Maybe it was just a quick
story that I can say, is still many shortcomings of this paper. Because here I
just want to learn so dear friends who read this blog to provide advice to me,
so that my writing is better in the future.
Jumat, 30 September 2016
Two Important Items While Traveling
As early miss commissioned yesterday that write about two important items that should always be brought. Okay the first is my one thought to miss the beginning that the bag is an important item that should be taken, because in the bag, there are also important, especially hp goods and wallet, because two things were very important to me. And inside the bag was also there must be some items such as pens, perfume essence EEMB equipment female. Hehehe because it was very important to me when an emergency strikes. Well and if traveling is not carrying a bag which tasted strange, the body feels light, the hand feels empty because they do not carry a bag. My confidence is also reduced when an inanimate object was forgotten or not d take it. Although phone and wallet was taken, but if the bag is not taken it will still sorely lacking.
Well 2nd goods that should be brought anywhere where namely footwear, be it sandals or shoes. Hehehe does sound funny when mentioning footwear. Will you imagine if you travel without carry or forget to wear footwear? what would you feel? Surely you embarrassed, and surely you will come back to pick it up. Well so that was the reason why I wrote the footwear became a very important item to be brought where. How do you think? What important things you both with my important stuff? Come write your story!
A few of my stories might seem comical, but it was my story. hehehehehe
Well 2nd goods that should be brought anywhere where namely footwear, be it sandals or shoes. Hehehe does sound funny when mentioning footwear. Will you imagine if you travel without carry or forget to wear footwear? what would you feel? Surely you embarrassed, and surely you will come back to pick it up. Well so that was the reason why I wrote the footwear became a very important item to be brought where. How do you think? What important things you both with my important stuff? Come write your story!
A few of my stories might seem comical, but it was my story. hehehehehe
My Favorit Selfie
Actually I do not like to take pictures Selfie photo as friends almost every day Selfie where and whenever they are. I just like selfie at the moment when the rare moment in my life or in certain places that I had never visited before. Since I rarely selfie when the moment is not important, so fitting ade new place, nice that I've never been so I immortalize the moment. And selfie photo that I took was not just one selfie photo, but it can very much at all. after I selfie I select photos which photos are nice, because not all nice photos. I'm looking for the best photos from the good. Hehehehe:):) . Photos of the most beautiful, in my opinion was the one who would I uploaded on my social accounts, such as instagram and are distributed primarily in twitter, facebook, line, and path made in DP for BBM account.
Well this is one of my favorite selfie photos, my recent photos when wekeend last week. The first photo I swim in the pool, I upload them to my personal account on his return from a swim. Because I want people to know what my day to day activities, this does not mean riya, I just wanted to share my happiness with others. Who knows after I uploaded there are people who are interested to go to that place. And also that no less important when I selfie who want to show how the atmosphere surrounding it.
Hmm maybe it's just my favorite selfie photo story. I am writing this blog hanyaingin share a little story about me. Hopefully friends inspired to write the blog as well.
That is all and thank you :) (y)
Well this is one of my favorite selfie photos, my recent photos when wekeend last week. The first photo I swim in the pool, I upload them to my personal account on his return from a swim. Because I want people to know what my day to day activities, this does not mean riya, I just wanted to share my happiness with others. Who knows after I uploaded there are people who are interested to go to that place. And also that no less important when I selfie who want to show how the atmosphere surrounding it.
Hmm maybe it's just my favorite selfie photo story. I am writing this blog hanyaingin share a little story about me. Hopefully friends inspired to write the blog as well.
That is all and thank you :) (y)
Material 21 and 26 September 2016
Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, rutinitas, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.
Rumus :
(+) S + V1 (s/es)
(-) S + Do/Does + Not +V1
(?) Do/Does + S + V1
Example :
(+) You always drinks fresh water every morning.
(-) You don't always drink fresh water every morning.
(?) Do you always drink fresh water every morning.
Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus :
(+) S + V2
(-) S + Did + Not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1
Example :
Di gunakan untuk menyatukan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.
Rumus :
(+) S + Be + V ing
(-) S + Be + Not + V ing
(?) Be + S + V ing
"Be (is, am, are, was, were)
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi, masih di rencanakan / kejadian di masa yang akan datang.
Rumus :
(+) S + Will + V1
(-) S + Will + Not + V1
(?) Will + S + V1
Di gunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadian dan hasilnya masih terasa/terlihat.
Rumus :
(+) S + Has/Have + V3
(-) S + Has / Have + Not + V3
(?) Has / Have + S + V3
I, YOU, THEY, WE (Have)
SHE, HE, IT (Has)
I, YOU, THEY, WE (Have)
SHE, HE, IT (Has)
Question !
1. She (drink)) coffee. (S.Past)
2. They (Start) the course (Pr.Perfect)
3. Ana and Linda (Open) the account.(Past Cont)
4. The bank (close) at 5 pm (S.Present)
5. The dog (run) through the park.(S.Past)
Answer !
1. (+) She drank coffee.
(-) She didn't drink coffee.
(?) Did she drink coffee?
2. (+) They have started the course
(-) They have not started the course
(?) Have they started the course?
3. (+) Ana and Linda was opening the account.
(-) Ana Linda was not opening the account
(?) Was Ana and Linda opening the account?
4. (+) The bank closes at 5 pm.
(-) The bank doesn't close at 5 pm.
(?) Does the bank close at 5 pm?
5. (+) The dog ran through the park.
(-) The dog didn't run trought the park.
(?) Did the dog run trough the park?
Question !
1. She (drink)) coffee. (S.Past)
2. They (Start) the course (Pr.Perfect)
3. Ana and Linda (Open) the account.(Past Cont)
4. The bank (close) at 5 pm (S.Present)
5. The dog (run) through the park.(S.Past)
Answer !
1. (+) She drank coffee.
(-) She didn't drink coffee.
(?) Did she drink coffee?
2. (+) They have started the course
(-) They have not started the course
(?) Have they started the course?
3. (+) Ana and Linda was opening the account.
(-) Ana Linda was not opening the account
(?) Was Ana and Linda opening the account?
4. (+) The bank closes at 5 pm.
(-) The bank doesn't close at 5 pm.
(?) Does the bank close at 5 pm?
5. (+) The dog ran through the park.
(-) The dog didn't run trought the park.
(?) Did the dog run trough the park?
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