Selasa, 01 November 2016

Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English

Hay, now we meet again in this blog post. Unlike the usual Merisi writing short stories, but this time I will write the English language material that I can from an early miss. What I earn, notes or anything I will write all here. The main material that will I write is about "Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English"

Here Merisi about match the same words. Immediately, yaa ...

Exercises 1. Verbs
Instructions: write the letter associated with the corresponding synonyms next to each word.

1.      ___Obliterate
2.      ___Severed (memotong/menghentikan)
3.      ___Conceive (menciptakan)
4.      ___Tolerate (sabar/menoleransi)
5.      ___Ingest (mencernakan/menelan)
6.      ___Pacify (menenangkan)
7.      ___Calibrate (menyesuaikan)
8.      ___Magnify (memperbesar)
9.      ___Incentivize (dorongan)
10.  ___Speculate (memikirkan/berteori)
11.  ___Levitate (mengapung)
12.  ___Illustrate (menghiasi)
13.  ___Elucidate (menguraikan)
14.  ___Impede (menghalangi)
15.  ___Advocate (penyokong)


A.  Adjust
B.   Destroyed
C.   Cut
D.  Calm (down)
E.   Allow
F.    Enlarge
G.  Support
H.  Float
I.     Motivate
J.     Clarify
K.  Consume
L.   Interfere
M. Create
N.  Theorize
O.  exemplify

Exercise 2. Adverbs
Instructions: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word.
1.___Methodically (sesuai metode)
2.    ___Begrudgingly (menyesalkan)
3.    ___Amicably (secara damai)
4.    ___Fiercely (dengan ganas)
5.    ___Unintelligibly (tak dapat di pahami)
6.    ___Sporadically (dengan sporatis/jarang)
7.    ___Unequivocally (dengan tegas)
8.    ___Zealously (dengan rajin)
9.    ___Laboriously (dengan kerja keras)
10.___Earnestly (dengan jelas)
11. ___Indisputably (tak dapat di sangka)
12. ___Definitively (pasti)
13. ___Faintly (dengan lemah)
14. ___Discreetly (dengan hati hati)

SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A.  Systematically
B.   Weakly
C.   Severely
D.  Quietly
E.   Privately
F.    Intently
G.  Eagerly
H.  Painfully
I.     Occasionally
J.     Absolutely
K.  Unclearly
L.   Indisputably
M. Decisively
N.  resentfully

Exercise 1
1.      B
2.      C
3.      M
4.      E
5.      K
6.      D
7.      A
8.      F
9.      G
10.  N
11.  H
12.  O
13.  J
14.  L
15.  I

Exercise 2
1.    A
2.    N
3.    D
4.    C
5.    K
6.    I
7.    L
8.    G
9.    H
10. M
11. L
12. J
13. B

thank you for your attention.
I hope that I am presenting the material helpful.

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